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Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013

I'm Bekkkkkkk

Yeahh,, Apa kabar sobat blog?? Bahhh udah lama banget yah gw gak ngeBlog, sepertinya Blog gw ini terkena sarang laba laba yang di penuhi dengan kuman kuman Jahatttt,, hahahaha,, Upsss, apaan coba, ok sobat blog, yang jelas gw udah lama banget gak terjun di dunia writer karena sebenernya gw mao coba fokus di Kuliah gw dulu sob, mao naekin IPK gw yang kian lama makin LABIL, alias turun naek naek turun, wakakaak,,
Tapi tenanng aja sobat blog, Insya Allah gw bakalan cerita hal hal absurd, kayak misalkan contohnya “Ranjang Goyang”, “Mobil Gempa”, “Kasur Bergoyang”, “Bantal di Tindih”, *ehhh bentar, kok jadi berbau tidur tiduran yah? Wakakaak,,
Ok langsung aja gw bocorin nanti gw cerita apaaaa….

hmmm, Jadiii nanti gw cerita apa yah??? *sambil sedot es nyot nyot*
Gw cerita soal Pengkhianatan aja yah, hmmm, di Khianatin Temen? Mao tau apa itu Pengkhianatan? Dan bagaimana cara menanggulangi Pengkhianatan? Pantengin aja terus sob, Blog gw, di Jamin lu bakalan terme****************hek me********hek,, *upss maaf lupa sensor,, wakakak

Ok cukup di sini aja Daily reportnya, doain aja yah sobat blog, gw bias ambil bahan bahan secepatnya, di jamin nanti ceritanya bakalan butuh tisyuuuu tisyuuuuu,,, hahaha, ok salam GoBlog sobat Blog,

Senin, 05 Agustus 2013

7 Tipe Cowok Yang Gampang Ditolak Cewek Cakep

 Yooo sobat GoBlog masih bersama gw Yogi Yogaswara, pengoding yang gak suka sama code, hhohoho. gimana jadinya yah, hmm kali ini gw mao bahas tentang Di Tolak, sekali lagi Di Tolak. #UdahGituAja, nah daripada penasaran kriteria apa sih yang bikin lu para cowok bisa di tolak sama cewek cakeppppp... langsung aja cekibrottttt..........................

Rabu, 24 Juli 2013

Apa Sih GALAU?

Yeah sobat blog masih bersama gw, Yogi Yogaswara, Mahasiswa TI yang gak doyan ngoding, karena percaya deh kalo elu pada doyang ngoding, dapat menyebabkan. Gagal Cinta, Lupa Makan, Lupa Tidur. Dan 1 lagi lu jadi punya dunia sendiri di Coding itu. #UdahGituAja
Hmm karena berhubung gw lagi free, ya udah gw Update lagi aja dah artikel di Blog gw, hohohoho… Kali ini gw mao Update cerita tentang GALAU? Hmm kenapa akhir akhir ini gw bahas tentang Cinta yah? Apa karena gw lagi Fall Ing Love? Atau karena gw lagi Broken Down? Kagak sobat Blog,,, gw lagi pelajarin apa itu CINTA 1 kata yang bisa nyebabin Manusia menjadi GALAU. Hahaha, ok skip

Selasa, 23 Juli 2013

Apa sih PHP?

Daripada gw gak tau harus ngapain karena Insomnia, ya udah gw pikir mendingan gw nulis aja dah buat Coretan di Blog gw, bahas PHP aja kali yah PHP, PHP itu aslinya sih sebenernya Hypertext Preprocessor. Ini bahasa pemrorgraman Sob, secara gw anak IT yang Cuma tau Ilmu komputer sedikit doang dan gak banyak #UdahGituAja. Hmm gw bahas PHP aja yah kali ini,, Apa sih PHP? PHP = Pemberi Harapan Palsu, yang lagi ngetrend di Kalangan Anak muda zaman sekarang, apalagi gw baru aja di PHPin sama cewek jadi hmm yah gw ceritain aja dah soal PHP itu.

Kamis, 18 Juli 2013

BAB II I think Im falling down

Hi sobat GoBlog, maaf yah. gw PHPin kalian semua sob, hehehe.. soalnya di dunia Nyata gw lagi ada kesibukan yang bikin gw lupa sama Blog gw, hihihihi.. Oh yah tenang aja sobat Blog, gw gak PHP kayak yang mainstream zaman sekarang kok. PHP gw itu = Pemberi Harapan Pasti, Sebenernya mao gw Upload kisah gw ini nanti malem, cuma karena nanti gw ada Acara Reunian sama Temen SMP gw sekarang aja gw Uploadnya, lumayan kan tuh buat ngabuburit baca cerita gw...

oh yah langsung aja sobat blog Lu baca nih Cerita Novel buatan gw. hehehehe,,,  Cekidottt.. 

Senin, 15 Juli 2013

Kerangka Novel

Alhamdulillah akhirnya gw bisa berkarya Juga sobat GoBlog, anyway mao tau apa aja sih Cerita yang bakalan gw Upload nanti? Intinya gw di sini mao ceritain kisah nyata yang gw alamin sobat Blog,,, dan you know everybody Change, hehehe.. yeah Intinya kisah gw yang bener bener gw rasa pahit banget, bakalan gw share di sini sobat Blog, dan rencananya sih emang gw mao bikin novel ceritanya,, tapi doain aja yah, Novel sama cerita di sini cepet Clear.. Anyway cukup di sini aja dah basa basinya.. Met Membaca sobat GoBlog.. =)

10 Sikap Pria yang Bisa Membuat Wanita Jatuh Cinta Padanya

Selain menjauhi sifat-sifat yang dibenci oleh wanita, kita sebagai pria juga harus menunjukkan hal-hal yang sekiranya bisa dan akan membuat wanita jatuh cinta pada kita. Berikut ini adalah 10 sikap pia yang bisa membuat wanita jatuh cinta pada kita seperti yang dikutip dari tdwclub.

1. Jujur dan Gentle

Mungkin kebanyakan pria terlalu banyak memberi alasan untuk satu kesalahah. Tunjukan bahwa Anda pria jujur, sopan, sekaligus charming. Berkatalah yang enak didengar dan teliti kembali kerapihan pakaian Anda. Bisa dipastikan dia bakal ingin dekat Anda terus jika semua itu Anda terapkan.

2. Selalu Bersedia

Tunjukkan Anda tertarik dan antusias mendengar ceritanya. Tunjukkan pula Anda bersedia mendengar keluhan kesah dan curhatnya. Jangan lupa memberi tanggapan smart bernada humor atas cerita-ceritanya. Beri alternatif solusi atas masalah yang dihadapinya, tanpa terkesan menggurui.

3. Jadi yang terbaik

Untuk menjadi yang terbaik, tak berarti Anda harus melakukan hal-hal di luar jangkauan. Be the best you can be saja. Salah satu caranya, dengan siap menemaninya dikala sedih dan senang.

4. Banyak senyum

Bermuka manis kepada wanita yang sedang Anda “incar” adalah mutlak. Senyum Anda bisa menjadi senjata ampuh dalam menebar pesona. Senyum pula tanda orang yang selalu berpikir positif. Joke-joke segar bisa Anda tambahkan dalam obrolan Anda.

5. Tak Banyak Menilai

Mulai sekarang, hentikan menilai fisik wanita. Itu adalah salah satu kebiasaan buruk pria. Nobody’s perfect, bukankah Anda tahu itu? maka buat dia merasa nyaman saat berada dekat Anda. Terimalah ia apa adanya, terlebih jangan mencoba membanding-bandingkan dengan wanita lain apalagi mantan pacar. Tanpa disadari Anda akan menjadi penyebab sakit hatinya.

6. Tak maksa

Bersabarlah sejenak dalam menyatakan cinta. Tahan keinginan Anda, usahakan jangan terlalu sering menggombal. Setiap kali menelponnya, bicarakanlah hal-hal penting. Dengan demikian wanita pun bisa menilai Anda sebagai orang yang apa adanya.

7. Tak mengikat

Menyukainya hingga tidak mau kehilangannya bukan berarti Anda harus mengekang pasangan Anda. Beri dia ruang gerak, biarkan dia menikmati kehidupannya. Anda boleh terus mengamatinya dengan berkirim pesan singkat namun jangan terlampau sering “menampakkan”diri. Biarkan dia menebak-nebak, dimana, sedang apa dan bersama siapa Anda. Ketakhadiran Anda bisa menumbuhkan kerinduan dalam dirinya.

8. Jangan Terlalu Akrab

Banyak wanita yang menolak pernyataan cinta pria hanya karena ia merasa hanya sebatas sahabat. Sudah terlalu dekat, sudah cocok bersahabat saja, tak lebih. Untuk itu, janganlah terlalu akrab, sedikit menjaga jarak namun dalam batas wajar. Sebab terlalu cuek pun meninggalkan kesan buruk dimata wanita.

9. Biarkan Dia Menebak-nebak

Seperti pada umumnya, wanita selalu tertarik terhadap sesuatu yang bersifat misterius. Ceritakan sedikit-sedikit saja tentang diri Anda. Ini akan membuat dia lebih penasaran dan tak cepat bosan. Biarkan rasa ingin tahunya terus tumbuh. Dengan begitu, dia akan berusaha mengenal Anda lebih dan lebih.

10. Jual Mahal Sedikit

Yang ini adalah bentuk lain dari poin 7. Meski si cewek tahu betul Anda menyukainya, tapi cobalah untuk tidak melayani apa maunya. Pura-pura cuek kalau Anda sedang berada di dekatnya.

Minggu, 14 Juli 2013

I'm Back

Yeah masih ketemu sama gw Yogi aka i_goyy yang sesuai janji gw akan Update Blog gw dengan kisah kisah Absurd yang gw alamin, anyway, bosen juga sih lama lama cerita kisah kisah gw,, hahaha

hmm tapi tenang aja sobat Blog gw bakalan kemasin kisah gw jadi sesuatu Bacaan yang menurut gw Absurd. dalam arti gw masukin Komedi dan Hal hal aneh ke tulisan gw. Hmm, ohyah soal cerita yang gw Upload ini berdasarkan kisah nyata gw kok sobat Blog, intinya gw mao sharing kisah kisah gw, terutama kisah cinta gw yang sangat menyedihkan dan ini bener bener bikin gw mengenal apa itu arti Cinta, terlebih gw sempet di Tolak sobat Blog sama cewe yang bener bener menuurut gw terbaik dan udah bikin gw Nyaman banget kalo deket sama Dia, Mao tau siapa dia? 

yeah pokoknya pantengin aja yah sobat Blog,, gw bakalan bikin Cerita gw ini bikin yang baca mewekkkkk,,, Hiks Hiks,, karena gw lagi ada keperluan di Dunia Real. gw sampein aspirasinya cukup di sini aja.. Yo yo yo, salam hangat sobat Blog...

Rabu, 10 Juli 2013

Hi Sobat GoBlog

Hi sobat GoBlog, masih bersama gw, Yogi Mahasiswa Komputer yang anti sama code,, maaf yah sebelumnya gw baru nongol di blog,, hihihihi,, di Dunia Real jadwal gw lagi padet merayap, di karenakan emang gw lagi menjalani UAS sob,, nah nanti Insya Allah pas Satnite nanti kalo gak ada halangan gw bakalan Upload lagi kok cerita Absurd gw,, Ohyah sobat Blog, gw ada Plan nih mao gw jadiin Novel cerita cerita gw ini,,, emang agak aneh sih sob, cuma yah inilah Impian gw,, Impian dimana gw mao jadi seorang Penulis.. hihihihihi

Jumat, 05 Juli 2013

Penjelasan Kenapa Setiap Cerita yang gw Upload kisahnya gak Full Story

Ok sobat blog, kali ini gw mao jelasin, kenapa kisah Absurd,, yang gw Upload di Blog setengah setengah,, yah bisa di bilang 
1. karena sebenarnya aku dan cinta mati sama kamu,,,
2. Jika aku melanggar, kembali lagi ke pasal 1...
eh bentar,, kok udah kayak perjanjian apaan tau ye? hahaha.. okkk,, yeahh bisa di bilang karena...

Interview Announcer Part I

Seperti biasa gw selalu Update cerita kekonyolan dan kisah Absurd gw di Blog yang menurut gw Biasa aja tapi menyimpan sejuta makna,, Ceilahhhh... hehehehe,,

Sebenernya gw gak mao Upload Kisah gw sekarang, karena gw lagi menjalani UAS di dunia Real dan kondisi gw yang agak sedikit down, cuma mao gimana lagi dengan nulislah gw ngelawan semua rasa sakit di sekujur tubuh gw walaupun gw tau tulisan gw gak Sempurna nantinya, lagipula gw kan orang yang konsisten sama janji gw, hehehe...
Yeah, kisah gw kali ini kisah yang menurut gw Konyol dan Bodoh banget,,, kenapa bisa gw bilang Begitu? Yeah karena kisah ini,, gw kali pertamanya di Interview sama lebih dari 3 orang dalam 1 ruangan,, Gokill kalo menurut gw,, nah biar elu gak penasaran,, check aja deh kisah gw... 

Sabtu, 29 Juni 2013

Maaf yah Buat Sobat GoBlog

Yooo, buat sobat GoBlog, Masih bersama gw Yogi, Mahasiswa Absurd di bidang Komputer yang anti kode dan gw sebagai penulis serta pengurus di Blog yogiyogas, gw minta maaf yang sebesar-besarnya, selama sepekan atau 2 pekan ke depan, gw gak bisa update cerita Absurd gw lagi, di karenakan di dunia Real gw lagi Menghadapi UAS. maklum sobat blog semester ini agak sedikit berat banget buat gw, bukan karena gw gak terbiasa ngambil Mata Kuliah yang super padet, cumaa, semester ini gw lagi di serang sama yang namanya KanTin (Kanker baTin), gw bakalan cerita batin gw di serang karena apa, cuma nanti yah sobat Blog gw ceritanya, gw lagi mao Fokus UAS dulu nih,, :D

Kamis, 27 Juni 2013

Penyakit Absurd Season I

Ok sesuai janji gw, gw bakalan Update cerita Absurd gw lagi... Sebenernya gw mao Update pas Satnite nanti, karena kebetulan Satnite nanti gw mao nemenin kakak gw dan gw takut gak sempet Upload Cerita gw Ya Udah sekarang aja gw Updatenya.. Lagipula sekarang kan malem jumat, Sunah Rasul juga bro kalo update ceritanya sekarang... hehehe.. 

Sabtu, 22 Juni 2013

Kampus Jakarta Selatan

Kuliah merupakan salah satu syarat buat Siswa dan Karyawan di manapun untuk menimba ilmu serta mendapatkan Gelar Sarjana. Cuma banyak para Siswa yang masih kebingungan dan Galau untuk Kuliah dimana. 

Kisah Cinta Gw

Ini pertama kalinya dalam sejarah hidup gw, gw cerita soal Cinta, sebelumnya gw males banget yang namanya cerita soal cinta, cumaaaa. mao gimana lagi? langsung aja deh sobat GoBlog elu baca nih cerita gw..

Di cerita ini bisa di bilang gw mao keluarin unek unek gw soal cinta selama seumur hidup gw, sangat menyedihkan, hahaha
Yah kenapa?
Karena emang gw selalu gagal dalam mengejar cinta, contohnya Entah itu gw di PHP, entah itu gw yang gak peka sama PDKT, atau yang lebih parah, gebetan gw di rebut sama temen baik gw sendiri.. Nyesek banget itu njir.. =__=
Gw cerita darimana yah? Hmmm gw rasa gw cerita dimana gw memulai semester 4 kemaren dan cerita ini masih terekam di otak gw....
Waktu itu gw suka sama seorang yang menurut gw mirip banget sama Asmirandah, haha lo tau kan Asmirandah? Gak tau? -___- menyedihkan banget sih lo
Tinggal dimana? Di utan belantara lo yah? Ok kalo lo gak tau gw ceritain siapa dia

Gimana cakep kan? Hahaha yah iyalah secara dia Aktris Sinetron layar lebeh, eh kok lebeh? Yah gw kali yah yang lebeh ok jangan OOT dulu lah, langsung balik lagi ke topik, sampai dimana kita? Oh yah #mikirkeras gw lagi cerita kalo gw suka sama cw yg mirip sama Asmirandah, yapz Pertemuan gw sih kalo gw bilang gak sengaja kok, itu juga karena gw emang lagi pengen ngajarin maen gitar sama adek2an gw, dia minta di ajarin maen Bass Hysteria, awalnya sih gw mls ngajarin tapi karena gw orang yang baik hati rajin menabung dan tidak sombong yahh gw harus ngajarin dong, oh yah gw ketemu dia sih di WO(Warung Oci) kenapa di sebut WO, yah di sinilah markas genk SMA gw ngumpul. Ok di skip dulu nanti aja gw ceritain asal usulnya WO, yang jelas gw di suruh ke WO waktu itu, dan gw jalan pas pengen Magrib sekitar jam stngah 6, langkah gw ke WO itu sebenrnya agak males, knapa? Itu weekend, dan lo tau sendiri, sebagai Programmer pemula dan Mahasiswa setengah Rajin kayak model gw begini, yah weekend itu sangat dipakai sama gw buat bermalas-malasan di rumah, hahaha. Ok lanjut ke ceritanya. Nah kurang lebih 15 menitan gw perjalanan dari rumah ke WO, di sana gw langsung parkir motor gw, dan yg agak aneh di sini, gw liat motor
baru, ok gw gak hirauin, langsung aja gw ke Mabes gw, dan you know menn?? Semua orang pada ngumpul di sana, dan gw di bilang PENGARET (Emang Kebiasaan gw sih) kebiasaan yang buruk.

Kampus Komputer

Saat ini di dalam dunia Kerja Khususnya di bidang Teknologi Informasi, banyak para Siswa yang bingung setelah Lulus Sekolah ingin Kuliah di bagian Komputer, Kebanyakan mereka yang bingung memilih karena mereka tidak tau Kampus Komputer mana yang terbaik untuk mereka. Tapi tenang saja, saya bisa merekomendasikan untuk Adik-Adik tercinta yang mau memilih Kuliah di bagian Komputer, tapi masih Galau sama pilihannya.

Untuk di wilayah Jakarta Selatan, saya merekomendasikan Kampus di Jakarta Selatan,

Sabtu, 16 Maret 2013

Samsung Galaxy S4 or the HTC One

HTC One and the Galaxy S4.

Making a decision between the HTC One and the Galaxy S4 isn't going to be easy for many folks​

The battle lines have quickly been drawn between two of 2013's hottest Android smartphones -- phones that, by the way, not a whole lot of people have actually touched yet -- the HTC One and the Samsung Galaxy S4. The HTC One is just now going on sale in parts of Europe. We're still waiting on any U.S. carrier to announce availability for either of the phones.
We've been using the HTC One for a week now. (I've been using it as my main device, actually.) And wegot to spend some time with the Samsung Galaxy S4 on Thursday in New York City. And we got to put both phones up against each other.
Know what? Folks are going to have a tough decision to make. 
Read on for some initial thoughts on the Samsung Galaxy S4 versus the HTC One.

How to share Photo Sphere pics on Google Maps

Share Photo Sphere on Google Maps

Deep links and even embedding panoramas can be done, but it takes a few steps

I might have mentioned once or twice how Photo Sphere is one of my favorite features of Android 4.2 on the Nexus 4. And I might have slightly bemoaned how the only real ways to view someone's Photo Sphere pictures are on Google+, either in a desktop browser or Android's Google+ app. (And I might havementioned all that in a single post, yesterday.)
Google Maps also got a nod, and I think it's going to be my go-to method for sharing Photo Sphere pics for a couple reasons.

Sharing photos all over the world

Google Street View Contribute
What we're doing here is actually sharing to the Google Street View project. As you can see in the pictures above, folks are doing this all over the world. And now it's your time.
Before you do anything else, make sure your camera app is storing the location of the pictures. (Look for it in the settings.)

Submit your pics: Share panoramas to Google Maps

First things first: You'll need to submit your Photo Sphere picture to Google Maps. Pretty simple. In the gallery, hit the sharing button, then choose "Google Maps." You'll be greeted with the screen you see above, and warned that pictures over 3 megabytes probably should be sent over Wifi. But this also is the time to reconsider sending the pic. While your backyard might make for a really cool Photo Sphere, you probably don't want to be posting your home address directly to Google Maps, and by extension Google+.
Also note that "Read More" link at the bottom left. There's important stuff there regarding what information you'll be sharing -- and how to unshare if need be -- but we'll highlight this portion:
In Google Maps, when someone views one of your panoramas, they will also see your name, the location, the date the panorama was created, and a link to see the panorama in Google+. Only people in your Google+ extended circles can comment on the panorama.
You can check out the full policies page here. So, again. Be careful what you're sharing.
Once you submit your Photo Sphere ... nothing happens. Google actually approves each picture -- the handful I submitted took about a day, but I've got no real feel if that's the average amount of time it takes.
Photo Sphere in Google Maps
Once your pictures are approved, you'll be able to view them -- and share links to them -- in Google Maps. Here's what you see when you zoom in to Pensacola -- four Photo Spheres that I just uploaded. Hover over the dots to see a preview. (This works zoomed out in the world view as well.) The buttons at the top of the map let you highlight panoramas that you've taken, or pictures from the community.
Sharing a Photo Sphere

How to link to your Photo Sphere

Viewing the Photo Sphere within the Google Maps Street View site (here's that link again) gives you a couple new options. you can click on the contributor's name to view their other submissions in Google+. Click on the location of the image, though, and it'll open the Photo Sphere pic in Google Maps. And from there, you can get a link directly to the panorama -- just like any other location in Google Maps. That means you can direct friends and family straight to your Photo Sphere picture on other services, like Twitter or Facebook (though you don't get good metadata for summaries yet).
Or, even better, you can embed your panorama.
One final benefit of sharing your Photo Spheres through Google Maps -- you get a new album in Google+ titled "Geo Panoramas," which will keep things nice and organized. As since Google+ can still be a little clunky when it comes to adding new images to old albums, it's nice to see pictures added automatically.
There's a lot going on here, and frankly it can be a bit confusing, whether you're talking about Google Maps, or Street View, or Google+. We'd love to see Google pare things down a bit. But the end result is you get to share your Photo Spheres with the world, and you get some deep links to go with them.Sumber

Ask AC: Is Android Linux?

While trawling through the Internet today I came across the Linux Foundation's page, and my eyes were pulled to their top story. Now this is nothing new, I often find plenty of great articles and news to read there, but this was different. This was a post that was about Android. 
It got me thinking (sometimes I do that) -- is Android Linux? The folks at the Linux Foundation seem to think so (and seem awfully happy about it), and I'm going to have to agree with them. Now before you purists come to West Virginia to beat some sense into me, I'm not saying that Android is unadulterated GNU Linux. Clearly it's not, there's far too many differences and psudeo-open source licensing at play to call it pure. But for all intents and purposes, it's close enough.
Android now runs on top of a standard Linux kernel, and uses many of the same kernelspace utilities and code that my desktop does. Essentially, that's what Linux is -- the heart of many different systems. Google, and the Android partners like Samsung, HTC, and CyanogenMod, then build things out to present the user with an interface to interact with the kernel. The kernel does stuff, all our taps and swipes and presses are telling it the stuff we want it to do. Just like any of the popular Linux distributions that you can install on your computer at home or work.
Android looks and acts a little different because it needs to look and act a little different to be useful on a small touch screen device. Of course, this is the simplified version of things, but if you're the type who understands how the kernelspace and userspace interact, you see where I'm coming from. Too much nerd is often too much.
So the next time you grab your Android-powered phone or tablet, just remember that you're part of the long standing tradition that is Linux. It's a good place to be.

From the mail bag: Is Android affected by the recent Java security issues?

Russ8611 writes, 
Hello Androidcentral! I was just curious if any of you guys feel like reporting on the Java vulnerability and let us know how it affects Android as a platform. I know most people say they don't need Java on their computers, but isn't Java needed by Android, especially by developers? Thanks!!!
That's a nasty mess, isn't it?
Java means a few different things, depending on how you're talking about it. The Java that's in the news with a heck of an exploit floating around is the Java that you install to your computer as an application  platform. Almost every desktop operating system can run programs built for Java, because Java is a platform that runs inside and on top of your operating system. It sounds a bit confusing, but think of it as a virtual machine that can run code built and compiled a certain way. There's more to the Java platform than the virtual machine, but most people will never need any of it and have no idea that it's even installed.
We install Java on our computers so we can run programs. Some of those programs can originate on the web. Remember, this isn't JavaScript that runs inside the browser, this is code that will start up that virtual machine we talked about earlier. That's where things got sticky over the weekend. The component that runs as a browser plugin was exploited. Since Java is cross-platform, that means Windows, OSX, and Linux distributions could be affected.
But not Android. It's immune to the recent security issues.
Android doesn't use Java in the browser, and the Java-esque software in the OS is different and not affected.  Thankfully, our Android devices are immune. But you bring up a good point about developers. To use most of the Android development tools or to build Android from source, you need the entire Java platform installed on your computer. Most people will be using Oracle's Java, which means most people developing for Android were vulnerable.
I say were vulnerable, because Oracle has patched the exploit as of late Sunday evening. Remember, we don't have to do anything for our Android devices, but anyone using Java should head over to Oracle's Java site and get the updated version. For more information be sure to read Oracle's security alert about the exploit and patch.

How to tag Wifi access points as mobile hotspots on your Android device

Android Central
There are many reasons why you might want to use a mobile hotspot with an Android device. Maybe you're using a tablet without a mobile data connection of its own. Perhaps you're traveling overseas and hoping to avoid data roaming charges. Either way, Android 4.1 comes with well-hidden option that lets you properly mark mobile access points -- we're talking something other than your home router or the AP in Starbucks -- as mobile hotspots, allowing you to better control your use of mobile data.
Take a look after the break.
Before we begin, it's worth noting that if you're tethering one Jelly Bean (Android 4.1+) device to another, the connecting device will already know that it's hooked up to a hotspot versus a more robust access point. Provided both devices are running 4.1 or higher, Android handles all that stuff behind the scenes, meaning there's no need to manually add Wifi names.
But if you're connecting to a Mifi or a non-Android phone, you'll need to tell Android that you're connected to a mobile hotspot. This option is tucked away under Settings > Data usage. From there, hit the three dots in the top right corner (or the menu key, if you have one), and press "Mobile Hotspots." Next you'll be presented with a list of saved wireless networks, and you can check the ones which are mobile hotspots.
Android Central
Once you've done this, Android will know it should limit data usage on these mobile networks in certain ways. For example: music streaming apps might not download so much in the background, and any mobile data restrictions you've set for certain apps will apply when you're on the tethered connection too.
It's a small step, but one that's not too obvious, and one that can help you avoid burning through a Mifi or tethered phone's data allowance.

How to enable system sounds on your Android device

System sounds
Part of having a modern smartphone is the media experience. Today's Android phones rival about any desktop system when it comes to audio and visual cues for the way you interact with them. Case in point -- audible alerts for system UI actions.
Making your Android phone or tablet give you an affirming "tick" when you press a button or unlock your screen is easy. Open your settings, and find the "Sound" entry in the menu list. You'll see something like the above, where you can set the standard ringtone and notification. If you scroll down a bit you'll see where you can enable or disable the audible prompt when doing things like dialing a number, or unlocking your phone. What's really cool is that you can set these sounds individually, so your phone only makes the noises you want it to make.
Once you have things set up the way you like, just press the back button and leave the settings menu. Now you're set!

Ten basic Android terminal commands you should know

Ten basic Android terminal commands you should know

command line
For a lot of us, the fact that we can plug our Android phone or tablet into our computer and interact with itis a big plus. Besides the times when we've broken something and need to fix it, there are plenty of reasons why an advanced Android user would want to talk to his or her device. To do that, you need to have a few tools and know a few commands. That's what we're going to talk about today. Granted, this won't be the end-all be-all discussion of adb commands, but there are 10 basic commands everyone should know if they plan to get down and dirty with the command line. 
The tools are easy. If you're a Mac or Linux user, you'll want to install the SDK as explained at the Android developers site. It's not hard, and you don't have the whole driver mess that Windows users do. Follow the directions and get things set up while I talk to the Windows using folks for a minute. 
If you're using Windows, things are easier and harder at the same time. The tools themselves are the easy part. Download this file. Open the zip file and you'll see a folder named android-tools. Drag that folder somewhere easy to get to. Next, visit the manufacturers page for your device and install the adb and fastboot drivers for Windows. You'll need this so that your computer can talk to your Android device. If you hit a snag, visit the forums and somebody is bound to be able to help you through it. 
Now that we're all on the same page, enable USB debugging on your device (see your devices manual if you need help finding it, and remember it was hidden in Android 4.2), and plug it in to your computer. Now skip past the break and let's begin!

1. The adb devices command

The adb devices command is the most important one of the bunch, as it's what is used to make sure your computer and Android device are communicating. That's why we're covering it first.
If you're a pro at the operating system on your computer, you'll want to add the directory with the Android tools to your path. If you're not, no worries. Just start up your terminal or command console and point it at the folder with the tools in it. This will be the file you downloaded earlier if you use Windows, or the platform-tools folder in the fully installed Android SDK. Windows users have another easy shortcut here, and can simply Shift + right click on the folder itself to open a console in the right spot. Mac and Linux users need to navigate there once the terminal is open, or install an extension for your file manager to do the same right click magic that's in Windows by default. 
Once you're sure that you are in the right folder, type "adb devices" (without the quotes) at the command prompt. If you get a serial number, you're good to go! If you don't, make sure you're in the right folder and that you have the device driver installed correctly if you're using Windows. And be sure you have USB debugging turned on!
Now that we have everything set up, let's look at a few more commands.

2. The adb push command

adb push
If you want to move a file onto your Android device programmatically, you want to use the adb pushcommand. You'll need to know a few parameters, namely the full path of the file you're pushing, and the full path to where you want to put it. Let's practice by placing a short video (in my case it's a poorly done cover of the Rick James tune Superfreak) into the Movies folder on your device storage.
I copied the superfreak.mp4 file into the android-tools folder so I didn't need to type out a long path to my desktop. I suggest you do the same. I jumped back to the command line and typed "adb push superfreak.mp4 /sdcard/Movies/" and the file copied itself to my Nexus 4, right in the Movies folder. If I hadn't dropped the file into my tools folder, I would have had to specify the full path to it -- something like C:\Users\Jerry\Desktop\superfreak.mp4. Either way works, but it's always easier to just drop the file into your tools folder and save the typing.
You also have to specify the full path on your device where you want the file to go. Use any of the popular Android file explorer apps from Google Play to find this. Windows users need to remember that on Android, you use forward slashes (one of these -- / ) to switch folders because it's Linux.

3. The adb pull command

adb pull
If adb push sends files to your Android device, it stands to reason the adb pull command gets them out. That's exactly what it does, and it works the same way as the adb push command did. You need to know both the path of the file you want to pull off, as well as the path you want it placed into. You can leave the destination path blank and it will drop the file into your tools folder to make things easy. 
In this example, I did it the hard way so you can see what it looks like. The path of the file on the device is "/sdcard/Movies/superfreak.mp4" and I put it on my Windows 8 desktop at "C:\Users\Jerry\Desktop". Again, the easy way it to just let it drop into your tools folder by not giving a destination, which would have been "adb pull /sdcard/Movies/superfreak.mp4". Remember your forwards slash for the Android side, and you'll have no problems here.

4. The adb reboot command

adb reboot
This is exactly what you think it is -- a way to reboot your device from the command line. Running it is simple, just type "adb reboot" and enter. Before you say "I can just push the button!" you have to understand that these commands can be scripted, and your device can reboot in the middle of a script if you need it to. And it's a good segue to number five.

5. The adb reboot-bootloader and adb reboot recovery commands

Not only can you reboot your device, you can specify that it reboots to the bootloader. This is awfully handy, as sometimes those button combos are touchy, and if you have a lot of devices you can never remember them all. Some devices (the LG Optimus Black comes to mind) don't even a way to boot to the bootloader without this command. And once again, being able to use this command in a script is priceless. Doing it is easy, just type "adb reboot-bootloader" and hit the enter key.
Most devices can also boot to the recovery directly with the "adb reboot recovery" (note there is no hyphen in this one) and some can't. It won't hurt anything to try, and if yours can't nothing will happen.

6. The fastboot devices command

fastboot devices
When you're working in the bootloader, adb no longer works. You're not yet booted into Android, and the debugging tools aren't active to communicate with. We use the fastboot command in it's place. 
Fastboot is probably the most powerful tool available, and many devices don't have it enabled. If you're does, you need to be sure things are communicating. That's where the fastboot devices command comes into play. At the prompt, just type in "fastboot devices" and you should see a serial number, just like the adb devices command we looked at earlier.
If things aren't working and you are using Windows, you likely have a driver issue. Hit those forums for the answer.

7. The fastboot oem unlock command

The holy grail of Android commands, fastboot oem unlock does one thing, and one thing only -- unlocks your Nexus device (or an HTC device using their official tool). If you're using a phone from a different manufacturer, you have a different method of unlocking things -- maybe with ODIN or .sbf files -- and this won't apply to you. We're including it because even if you don't need it, it's an important part of Android's openness. Google doesn't care what we do with phones or tablets that we've bought, and include this easy way to crack them open. That's something you usually don't see from any tech company, and a big part of the reason why many of us choose Android.
Using it is easy enough. Once you've used fastboot devices to make sure everything is communicating, just type "fastboot oem unlock" at the prompt and hit enter. Look at your device, read carefully, and choose wisely.
Protip: Using "fastboot oem unlock" will erase everything on your device

8. The adb shell command

adb shell
The adb shell command confuses a lot of folks. There are two ways to use it, one where you send a command to the device to run in its own command line shell, and one where you actually enter the device's command shell from your terminal. In the image above, I'm inside the device shell, listing the flies and folders on the device. Getting there is easy enough, just type "adb shell" and enter. Once inside, you can escalate yourself to root if you need to. I'll warn you, unless you're familiar with an ash or bash shell, you need to be careful here -- especially if you're root. Things can turn south quickly if you're not careful. If you're not familiar, ash and bash are command shells that a lot of folks use on their Linux or Mac computers. It's nothing like DOS. 
The other method of using the adb shell command is in conjunction with one of those Ash commands your Android device can run. You'll often use it for more advanced tasks like changing permissions of files or folders, or running a script. Using it is easy -- "adb shell <command>". An example would be changing permissions on a file like so: "adb shell chmod 666 /data/somefile". As mentioned, be very careful running direct commands using these methods.

9. The adb install command

adb install
While adb push can copy files to our Android devices, adb install can actually install .apk files. Using it is similar to use the push command, because we need to provide the path to the file we're installing. That means it's always easier to just drop the app you're installing into your tools folder. Once you've got that path, you tell your device to sideload it like this: "adb install TheAppName.apk".
If you're updating an app, you use the -r switch: "adb install -r TheAppName.apk". There is also a -sswitch which tries to install on the SD card if your ROM supports it, and the -l switch will forward lock the app (install it to /data/app-private). there are also some very advanced encryption switches, but those are best left for another article.
And finally, you can uninstall apps by their package name with "adb uninstall TheAppName.apk". Uninstall has a switch, too. The -k switch will uninstall the app but leave all the app data and cache in place.

10. The adb logcat command

adb logcat
The adb logcat command is one of the most useful commands for some folks, but just prints a bunch of gibberish unless you understand what you're seeing. It returns the events written to the various logs in the running Android system, providing invaluable information for app developers and system debuggers. Most of us will only run this one when asked by one of those developers, but it's very important that we know how to use it correctly.
To see the log output on your computer screen, just type "adb logcat" and hit enter. Things can scroll by pretty fast, and chances are you won't find what you're looking for. There are two ways to handle this one -- filters, or text output.
The filter switch is used when a developer has placed a tag in his or her application, and wants to see what the event logs are saying about it. If it's needed, the developer will tell you what tag to append to the command. The text output is more useful, as it logs to a .txt file on your computer for reading later. Evoke is like so: "adb logcat > filename.txt". Let it run while you're doing whatever it takes to crash the app or system program you're debugging, then close it with the CTRL+C keystroke. You'll find the full log file saved in the directory you're working from, likely your tools folder. This is what you'll send to the developer.
Be warned that sensitive information can be contained in the log files. Be sure you trust the person you're sending them to, or open the log file in a text editor and see just what you're sending and edit as necessary.
There are plenty of other switches for the logcat command. Savvy developers can choose between the main, event, or radio logs, save and rotate log files on the device or their computer, and even change the verbosity of the log entries. These methods are a bit more advanced, and anyone interested should read the Android developer documentation.

Bonus: The adb sideload command

adb sideload
This one's relatively new, and it's one of the easier ways to update a stock Nexus device. Every over-the-air update downloads the update file from a public URL. That means you can download the update and install it manually without having to wait for your phone to have the update pushed to it. We call it "manually updating," and the end result is the same as if you wait. But we hate waiting.
All you have to do is download the update to your computer. Plug your phone into the computer. Reboot into recovery on your phone and choose "Apply update from ADB." Then hop into your favorite terminal/command line and type "adb sideload," with the variable pointing to the update you downloaded. Let things run their course, and you're golden.

And there you have it. There are plenty more commands to learn if you 're the type who likes to learn commands, but these 10 are the ones you really need to know if you if you want to start digging around at the command prompt.